Signs after crossing
A closer look at the signs seen in background of the previous photo. Like the bollard in an earlier photo, the sign prohibiting motor vehicles is too far from the nearest intersection to warn entering traffic. The brown sign is relatively new, as may be determined by the designation "multi-use trail" rather than "bike path". The trail's being open only during daylight hours is contrary to the intentions of the Federal law which led to its funding; an important bicycle route has been severed during the hours the path is closed -- also in the winter and spring, when the trail is snow-covered. Does the motor-vehicle prohibition apply to snowmobiles, and if so, is it enforced? No, in fact special signs and a higher speed limit for snowmobilers have been introduced -- see Jon Niehof's winter photos in this album. In winter, the low-mounted sign is buried under snow. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices specifies that ground-mounted signs should be at least 4 feet (1.2 meters) above the ground. Details, details!